
Calculus buildup on cats
Calculus buildup on cats

calculus buildup on cats

What are the classic signs of dental diseases in cats? These lesions erode the outside of the tooth causing increased pain and sensitivity and unfortunately, they are degenerative and often require tooth extraction for the affected area. While we aren’t sure what causes them, they typically form on the outside of the surface of the tooth where the gum meets the tooth surface.

calculus buildup on cats

One of the most common dental issues in cats is tooth resorptive lesions. If left untreated for a longer period of time, gingivitis can lead to irreversible periodontal disease or the formation of an abscess. And as it progresses, it can cause destruction of the tissue, leading to excessive tooth mobility and eventual tooth loss. The disease may cause inflammation or infection of the bone and ligaments that support the tooth. In some of the most severe cases, it can end up covering the entire tooth. Gingivitis normally starts at the edge of the gum. If the tartar is left untreated it can lead to gingivitis or inflammation of the gums. Though some of that is removed naturally when the cat eats or licks its teeth, the remainder quickly mineralizes and becomes tartar and calculus. As a cat eats, some of the food gets stuck to its teeth and turns into plaque.

calculus buildup on cats

Tartar can be easily identified by its tan or brown color. Most commonly, dental disease is the result of tartar buildup on a cat’s teeth.

Calculus buildup on cats